Friday, January 9, 2009

Blog Assignment #1

1. How would you have explained the meaning of the term "ethics", before taking this class?
- To be honest, the first time I ever remember seeing the word "ethics" was in the movie "Billy Madison" with Adam Sandler right after the he made everyone dumber speech. I don’t remember a word the actor said in the movie, let alone know what the word meant back then. I didn’t really find the meaning of the term, till the end of my high school year and I described it as during a time of decision, the ethic a person's choice depended on his or her own personal views of the problem, whether it's good or bad.

2. What are some of your deepest held values?
- My deepest values would have to be my family, education is also pretty important and trust.

3. What are some main principles you try to live your life by?
- Well I really try to live by honesty, which is really hard to accomplish when keeping a promise to keep a secret and never lying collide. I also try to be hard-working all the time, and to keep everyone I know to the best of my ability.

4. What moral qualities do you look for in others?
- It would really depend for me, whether it’s becoming friends, or working together. In general, I believe I would look for that there honesty, hardworking, and at least mostly friendly.

5. How were your values and principles developed?
- They were all mostly developed from past bad experiences, which later taught me lessons, including on principles I search for in others. Honesty is a major for me, being cheated, lied, and deceived can greatly affect how someone views the world.

6. How have your values and principles changed throughout your life so far?
- Greatly! I use to believe that everyone was good at the start, and never intentionally meant to cause harm to someone else. So everyone I met, I believed and trusted everything they said.

7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.
- I'm going to go with 22 out of 25. I rambled on a bit more than I was probably suppose to, and I also probably have some kind of grammar or spelling error in here that I missed.

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